Quality Care Just for You

We believe the best healthcare comes from a direct relationship between patients and their providers—like in the good ol’ days of medicine. That's why we've built our practice to work for you, not for insurance companies.

Our services offer transparent, straightforward pricing without the confusing jargon that often comes with traditional healthcare billing.

Learn more about our:

Membership Plans

Lifestyle Medicine Programs

À la carte Services

Membership Plans

Comprehensive Primary Care

We prefer to be your family’s all-inclusive medical home—developing a close relationship while caring for all health issues. Our direct Comprehensive Primary Care membership plan provides 24/7 access to your provider for a simple monthly subscription, including unlimited communications (telemedicine), clinic visits without copays, and discount medications. And that’s just a fraction of the perks!

  • Full primary care services, including…

  • Individuals

    • Adults (age 19+) = $79/mo.

    • Children (age 18 & under) = $59/mo.

    Family Plan

    • Up to 2 adults & their dependent children (age 25 & under)

    • = $179/mo.

    Enrollment fee = one-time $80 fee per new billing account (family/household)

    • Personal provider communication (text message, email, phone) — no additional fees

    • Clinic visits (regular hours) — no additional fees

    • Procedures at cost of supplies ($10-30)

    • After-hours clinic visit = $200

    • House call = $100

    • Specialist referral and management

    • Discount pricing on labs, radiology (x-rays, scans, etc.), prescription meds, supplements, aesthetic treatments, enhanced prevention programs


For minor, acute illnesses and injuries, our Telemed-Plus membership plan offers quick access to a healthcare provider & much more. Instead of relying on random encounters with telemedicine companies or busy urgent care clinics, you will have a personal provider available by phone, text message, or video chat. Acute issues can often be managed remotely without a clinic visit. However, when in-person care is required (exam, testing, or treatment), our clinic can also provide that.

  • Injuries and illnesses that are minor and acute (temporary) such as…

    • Respiratory tract infections (sore throats, coughing, runny nose, fever, etc.)

    • Stomach flu/gastroenteritis (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea)

    • Urinary tract infection (UTI)

    • Orthopedic injury: sprain, strain, minor fractures.

    • Skin: wounds, rashes, skin infections, insect bites & stings

    You can view a full list of acute conditions managed by Telemed-Plus plan here.

    EXCLUSIONS: This program is not full primary care and does NOT cover many health matters or concerns, including…

    • Management of chronic (ongoing) conditions (follow-up visits, labs, refill medications, referrals, etc.)

    • Prevention & Wellness

    • General concerns, “check ups”, or “physicals”

    • Some potentially serious or complicated acute concerns such as chest pain, shortness of breath, and abdominal pain

  • Individuals (all ages) = $39/mo.

    Family Plan

    • Up to 2 adults & their dependent children (age 25 & under)

    • = $89/mo.

    Enrollment fee = one-time $80 fee per new billing account (family/household)

    • Personal provider messaging (text message, email, phone) — no additional fees!

    • Nurse clinic visits (regular hours) = $10

    • Provider clinic visit (regular hours) = $30

    • After-hours provider visit = $200

    • House call = $200

    • For covered acute issues: Wholesale or discount pricing on labs, radiology, prescription medications, supplements, equipment, procedures, and more

Lifestyle Medicine

Our lifestyle medicine programs far exceed the usual doctor check-ups with limited wellness advice. Each program starts with innovative testing to understand your current health and future risks. Then, we will optimize your lifestyle prescription, including nutrition, exercise, stress, sleep, and supplements. To support your pursuit of longevity and healthspan, we provide ongoing monitoring and coaching.

  • Are you wanting a broad discussion about lifestyle issues? A general consultation with Dr. Neu is a great place to start. This visit includes basic body measurements, discussion, and recommendations on nutrition, physical activity, and supplements to help reach your health goals. It can be combined with à la carte testing from below, such as labs or body composition.

    • 60 minutes = $200 (required for new patients)

    • 30 minutes = $125


    *This consult is not intended to address any active symptoms, health conditions, diagnosis, or prescription medications.

  • A revolutionary approach to lose body fat, manage Metabolic Syndrome/Type-2 Diabetes, & improve health risks. The Metabolic Guide offers innovative testing and monitoring to optimize a nutrition and lifestyle plan to your unique physiology.


  • Waiting until old age to be concerned about bone health is far too late, especially for females. Many hidden factors can accelerate bone loss decades before a diagnosis. Our lab testing tracks these, as well as your bone density. BoneStrong is a proactive program to strengthen bones now so you can avoid osteoporosis and broken hips later!

    Launching soon!

  • Cardiovascular disease remains the #1 killer in the modern world. Unfortunately, standard care—screenings and medications—can only slightly reduce risk of advanced atherosclerosis (plaque in arteries). The Cardioguard program allows you to find and correct any lifestyle factors contributing to plaque formation decades before a heart attack or stroke.

    Launching soon!

À la carte Services

These issue-focused services are available without a membership plan.

Prevention | Physicals | Labs | Skin & Nails | Orthopedic | Ears | Aesthetics

To learn about a particular service or schedule, click the links below. We do not offer à la carte sick visits, general consults, or “check-ups.” We suggest using a membership plan if you want these services or need us to manage a chronic condition(s). FAQ & info on scheduling, payment, & more.

Prevention & Wellness

  • $160

    Nurse (RN) visit + testing to determine your risk of cardiovascular & metabolic disease over the next 10-30 years.

    This service includes…

    • Body measurements: height, weight, abdominal circumference

    • Blood pressure measurement

    • Lab work: Basic cardiometabolic panel

    • Calculation of your 10-year and 30-year cardiovascular risk (heart attack) using the Predicting Risk of Cardiovascular Disease Events (PREVENT) calculator

    • Calculation of Metabolic Syndrome (insulin resistance) severity

    This service does NOT include a provider consultation, nor treatment or management of associated conditions. If concerning finding or results, we will refer to a PCP for management.


    New patients start here with intake form to complete a profile and health history.

    Existing patients (member or prior services), contact us by email, SMS, or phone to schedule.

  • $140

    Provider visit that includes a pelvic exam to obtain pap smear + HPV testing (lab fees included). Results provided in 5-10 days.

    This service is NOT for…

    • General check up

    • “Well Woman” Visit

    • Management of menstrual or other OB/GYN symptoms or concerns.

    • Contraception (birth control) management or counseling

    • Breast cancer screening

    If a positive or abnormal results, we will refer to a PCP or health department for management.


    New patients start here with intake form to complete a profile and health history.

    Existing patients (member or prior services), contact us by email, SMS, or phone to schedule.

  • TDaP = $80

    Influenza = $40


    New patients start here with intake form to complete a profile and health history.

    Existing patients (member or prior services), contact us by email, SMS, or phone to schedule.

  • $60

    Measurement of skeletal muscle mass, body fat, visceral fat, & more using a clinical-grade bioimpedance device. Includes a risk calculation & a dietary protein recommendation.



    New patients start here with intake form to complete a profile and health history.

    Existing patients (member or prior services), contact us by email, SMS, or phone to schedule.


  • $60

    Only for those age 22 & younger in school.

    This includes a provider visit with a basic exam and completing standard forms for clearance to participate in sports or camp.


    New patients start here with intake form to complete a profile and health history.

    Existing patients (member or prior services), contact us by email, SMS, or phone to schedule.

  • $250

    Exam with provider, vital signs, & paperwork completed. If an additional (follow-up) visit is required, visit fee = $100/each.


    New patients start here with intake form to complete a profile and health history.

    Existing patients (member or prior services), contact us by email, SMS, or phone to schedule.

  • $150

    This includes a provider visit with a basic exam and completing any required standard forms (1-2 pages) for clearance to participate in program or role (teaching, foster care, etc.) or insurance.

    Additional fees for lab testing, longer forms or letters, and other items may be required.

    This service does NOT include:

    • Assessment of any concerns, complaints, or problems.

    • Diagnosis or treatment of any conditions

    • Follow-up visits

    • Further care (testing, referrals, management) of any problems found on assessment


  • We offer these lab tests as a stand-alone service without a provider visit or consultation. Lab specimens will be collected at a Quest Patient Service Center. Results including a reference (normal) range will be shared by email or secure Quest portal within 7-10 days.

    The results, abnormal or not, should NOT be used to exclude, diagnosis or manage (treat) any health condition, symptoms, or concerns without personal consultation with a healthcare provider.

  • These cardiometabolic lab panels include measurements of cholesterol/lipids, glucose/insulin, and inflammation which are the main drivers of cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, & Type-2 diabetes.

    • Basic = $109

    • Expanded = $239

    • Advanced = $319

    Learn more about individual lab tests and panels.

  • Kidney Function Panels

    • Basic =

    • Advanced =

    Liver Health Panel

    • Basic =

    • Advanced =

  • Nutrition Panels

    • Basic = Hemoglobin/Hematocrit, Vitamins D & B12, Folate, Iron Panel, Magnesium RBC = $

    • Vegan/vegetarian =

    • Low-carb/Keto =

    Food Allergies

    • Basic food allergy panel =

    • Tree nut allergy panel =

    • Shellfish Allergy Test Panel =

    • Alpha-Gal Syndrome Allergy Test Panel =

    • Basic panel: Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, HIV = $80

    • Expanded panel: Basic panel + Syphilis (RPR), Hep B, Hep C, HSV 1/2 = $180

    • Herpes (HSV 1/2) = $50

    This service is only intended for as a screening to people without symptoms or specific concerns of STI. It does not include a provider visit, exam, follow-up testing, or treatment. Results shared within 5-10 days.

    If a positive result, we will refer to PCP or health department for further management which may include further testing or treatment.

    • Blood type

Skin & Nails

  • Microdose Accutane Program

    Our “micro” (low) dose Accutane program can manage acne with fewer risks, hassle, and cost than traditional, regular Accutane with dermatology practices. Prices range from $50-120/mo, including medications, depending on the regimen.


  • $120

    This clinic visit includes a full body skin exam, including evaluation of any concerning lesions. These may include "moles," bumps, warts, skin tags, or “funny-looking spots” that are concerning or bothersome.

    This visit does not include…

    • Evaluation of rashes

    • Management of chronic (ongoing) skin conditions

    • Procedures (biopsy) to treat or remove any lesions


    New patients start here with intake form to complete a profile and health history.

    Existing patients (member or prior services), contact us by email, SMS, or phone to schedule.

  • $80

    This clinic visit examine a one specific (1) skin lesion(s) of concern. These may include "moles," bumps, warts, skin tags, or “funny-looking spots” that are concerning or bothersome.

    This is not intended to be a full body skin exam (screening) or evaluation of rashes or other skin conditions.


    New patients start here with intake form to complete a profile and health history.

    Existing patients (member or prior services), contact us by email, SMS, or phone to schedule.

  • Shave biopsy = $80

    Excisional biopsy = $150

    An initial visit and exam to diagnose the skin lesion(s) are required. This service includes a procedure to remove a bothersome or concerning skin lesion via shave or excision biopsy technique.

    Sutures may be required; removal in 5-15 days included.

    The biopsy specimen may be sent to pathology for confirmation of diagnosis and to exclude skin cancer. The pathology group will bill that fee separately.

  • $60

    An initial visit and exam to diagnose the skin lesion(s) as wart(s) are required. The skin warts (up to 3) will be treated with cantharidin, a painless (when applied) blistering agent.

    Treatment of additional warts is $20 each.

  • $150

    An initial visit and exam to diagnose the cyst is required.

  • $80

  • $250

  • Coming Soon


  • Single joint/region = $120

    Multiple joints/regions = $160

    Provider visit to to evaluate joint(s) or surrounding soft tissue of concern, of the arm (wrist, elbow, shoulder) or leg (hip, knee, ankle, foot).

    This service does NOT include:

    • Evaluation of neck or back pain

    • Fees associated with imaging/radiology

    • Management or prescriptions for ongoing (chronic) pain


    New patients start here with intake form to complete a profile and health history.

    Existing patients (member or prior services), contact us by email, SMS, or phone to schedule.

  • $400

    The procedure includes a PRP injection of a single orthopedic region (joint or soft tissue) and requires a previous visit/exam.

    Additional region injected = $50 each (limited based on the amount of PRP solution)


    New patients start here with intake form to complete a profile and health history.

    Existing patients (member or prior services), contact us by email, SMS, or phone to schedule.

  • $80

    Includes injection of a single knee or shoulder pain with a steroid solution. Requires prior visit/exam & recommendation for the procedure.


  • $80

    Includes provider exam and removal of any ear wax with irrigation (water), manual tools, or suction. Some cases of impacted ear wax require several visits.

    This visit is not intended to diagnose or treat any other ear conditions. If having severe pain, fever, drainage, or concerns not consistent with ear wax build-up, this service is not appropriate.


    New patients start here with intake form to complete a profile and health history.

    Existing patients (member or prior services), contact us by email, SMS, or phone to schedule.


  • $130

    Initial consult and up to 10 units of Botox in the facial region. Additional units = $13 each.

    New patients: Complete intake form here—required to schedule initial visit.

  • $100

    Includes numbing injection and placement of 2 basic earrings in each lobe.